Submitted by nlimpari on Sat, 01/08/2022 - 19:12
Publication Type | Report |
Year of Publication | 2006 |
Authors | Akin, D. L., S. E. Jacobs, and J. R. Braden |
Date Published | 09/2006 |
Institution | University of Maryland |
City | College Park |
Abstract | The University of Maryland Space Systems Laboratory and ILC Dover LP have
developed a novel concept: a soft pressure garment that can be dynamically reconfigured
to tailor its shape properties to the wearer and the desired task set. This underlying
concept has been applied to the upper torso of a rear entry suit, in which the helmet ring,
waist ring and two shoulder rings make up a system of four interconnected parallel
manipulators with tensile links. This configuration allows the dynamic control of both the
position and orientation of each of the four rings, enabling modification of critical sizing
dimensions such as the inter-scye distance, as well as task-specific orientations such as
helmet, scye and waist bearing angles.
Half-scale and full-scale experimental models as well as an analytical inverse kinematics
model were used to examine the interconnectedness of the plates, the role of external
forces generated by pressurized fabric, and the controllability of the system. The
kinematics of the system were investigated, and tensile forces in the links were quantified
to determine actuator requirements. A third experimental model was developed to
eliminate material effects and thereby quantify the loads born by the pressure garment,
thus allowing further understanding of the behavior of this highly complex system. This
lightweight, resizable, dynamically reconfigurable suit certainly makes the MUT concept
appealing as a candidate for a next generation planetary exploration suit.
Citation Key | 99 |