
SSL Personnel

The SSL would be nothing without the many individuals who have dedicated countless hours to research and lab operations. Throughout it's years of operation, the SSL has had many brilliant minds come through and leave lasting impressions on the lab, space reserach, and space industry as a whole. With involvment from majors ranging from engineering to the arts, the lab has a rich history of undergraduate and graduate researchers being able to work hands-on with space-rated hardware and actively contribute to advacning space operations and exploration.

Undergraduate Students: 

  • Spencer Quizon
  • Meredith Embrey
  • Adam Youssef
  • Romeo Perlstein
  • Ishan Dutta
  • Arnav Mate
  • Corbin Voorhees
  • Kerry Zhu (KZ)
  • Lara Tran
  • Ryeed Zaman
  • Jaegon Hibbitts

Graduate Students: 

  • Daniil Gribok
  • Charlie Hanner
  • Nicolas Bolatto
  • Joshua Martin
  • Rahul Vishnoi
  • Ryan Mahon

Postdoctoral Researchers

  • Nicholas Limparis


SSL Faculty:

  • Dr. Dave Akin
  • Dr. Mary Bowden

Research and Technical Staff:

  • Dr. Craig Carignan





The SSL has graduated two astronauts:

  • Dr. Janice Voss, a mission specialist 
  • Dr. Paul Ronney, a backup payload specialist.

The SSL has also produced four professors:

  • Dr. Rob Sanner - University of Maryland
  • Dr. Mark Lewis - University of Maryland
  • Dr. Ella Atkins - Virginia Tech
  • Dr. Paul Ronney - University of Southern California


The following faculty and staff members who left in 2006 are all missed and will always be part of the SSL:

  • Dr. Ella Atkins
  • Jean Marc Henriette
  • Brian Roberts
  • Walt Smith
  • Russ Howard


Graduate Students
Over the years, the SSL has graduated numerous students, covering a wide range of research interests. Since their time with us, these graduated students and researchers have left the immediate sphere of influence of the SSL and voyaged on to new adventures.

Class of 2024:
Nicholas Limparis (Ph.D)
Christopher Kingsley (M.S.)

Class of 2023:
Evan Feinberg (M.S.)
Jonathan Gabriel (M.S.) 

Class of 2022:
Zachary Lachance (M.S.)

Class of 2021:
Joe Carpinelli (M.S.)
Casey Kracinovich (M.S.)

Class of 2020:
Erik Holum (M.S.)
Kate Melone (M.S.)

Class of 2019:
Chris Carlsen (M.S.)
Jian-Ming Chang (M.S.)
Justin Kanga (M.S.)

Class of 2018:
Kate McBryan (PhD)
Lemuel Carpenter (M.S)

Class of 2017:
Donald Gregorich (M.S)

Class of 2016:
Nick D'Amore (Ph.D)
Amanda Salmoiraghi (Ph.D)

Class of 2015:
Kevin Davis (M.S)
Wayne Yu (M.S

Class of 2013:
Constance Ciarleglio (M.S.)

Class of 2012:
Sharon Singer (Ph.D.)
Max DiCapua (Ph.D.)
Kate Strickland (M.S.)

Class of 2011:
Ali Husain (M.S.)
Adam Mirvis (M.S.)

Class of 2010:
Madeline Kirk (M.S.)
Omar Medina (M.S.)

Class of 2009:
Shane Jacobs (Ph.D)

Class of 2008:
Craig Lewandowski (M.S.)

Class of 2007:
Elizabeth Benson (M.S.)
B. Teresa Buchholz (M.S.)
David Gruntz (M.S.)
Agnieszka Koscielniak (M.S.)
John Mularski (M.S.)
Enrico Sabelli (M.S.)
Nick Scott (M.S.) 
Emily Tai (M.S.) 
Tim Wasserman (M.S.)

Class of 2006:
Leon Aksman (M.S.)
Lauren Chung (M.S.)
Todd Hermann (M.S.)
Nathan Keolln (M.S.)
Jamie Lennon (Ph.D.)
Mike Liszka (M.S.)
Cat McGhan (M.S.)
Mike Naylor (M.S.)
Maxime Ransan (M.S.)
Yunshen Tang (M.S.)
Min Xue (Ph.D)

Class of 2005:
Aaron Hoskins (M.S.)
Kristen Pilotte (M.S.)
Elisa Shapiro (M.S.)
Sunneel Sheikh (Ph.D.)
Matthew Strube (M.S.)
Brook Sullivan (Ph.D)

Class of 2004:
Jeff Braden (M.S.)
Sarah Hall (Ph.D.)
Jeff Smithanik (M.S.)

Class of 2003:
Daniel C. Clemente (M.S)
Pete Guion (M.S.) 
C. Glen Henshaw (Ph.D.)

Class of 2002:
Paul Frontera (M.S.)
Adam Korona (M.S.) 
Rhiannon Peasco (M.S.) 
Yannick Pennecot (M.S.)

Class of 2001:
David Hart (M.S.) 
Anthony Foster (M.S.) 
G. Ryan Lee (M.S.) 
Jamie Lennon (M.S.) 
Erica Lieb (M.S.) 
Michael Pang (M.S.) 
Corinne Segalas (M.S.) 
Lauren Shook (M.S.) 
Deborah Theobald (M.S.)

Class of 2000:
Lisa Hossaini (M.S.)
J. Corde Lane (Ph.D.) 
Melissa Pelton (M.S.) 
Stephen Roderick (M.S.) 
Steven Weisman (M.S.)

Class of 1999:
Mike Boyle (M.S.) 
Robert Cohen (M.S.) 
Maki Kosha (M.S.) 
Brian Roberts (M.S.)

Class of 1998:
C. Glen Henshaw (M.S.)
Kuo-Chia (Alice) Liu (M.S.) 
Evelyn Vance (Ph.D.)

Class of 1997:
Joseph Graves (M.S.)
J. Corde Lane (M.S.) 
Claudia Ranniger (Ph.D.)

Class of 1996:
Steven Kuester (M.S.)
Steven Sell (M.S.) 
Bill Vincent (M.S.) 
Julianne Zimmerman (M.S.)

Class of 1994:
Randall Beckman (M.S.)
Gardell Gefke (M.S.) 
Laurence Patrick Long (M.S.)
Dennis Loveless II (M.S.) 
Lauri Newman (M.S.) 
Tharen Rice (M.S.) 
Jennifer Smith (M.S.) 
Elizabeth Sorenson (M.S.) 
Jennings Wilson (M.S.)

Class of 1993:
Rodney Bryant (M.S.)
Philip Churchill (M.S.) 
Sarah Hall (M.S.)


Undergraduate Students
The SSL has been lucky to have undergraduate students contribute to its research projects. There has been a multitude of them over the years, and many are listed here. They are remembered fondly and with great admiration for all their contributions to the success of this lab.

Justin Rhodes
Ruben Turner 
Brady Sack 
Natalie Condzal 
Jeffrey Zhu 
Lucie Ugarte 
Joy Cho 
Bailey Konold 
Tuvia Rappaport 
Tal Ullmann 
Sarin Kunnath 
Sahin Kunnath 
Phil Kirk 
Douglas Klein 
Josh Pugh 
Joe Lisee 
Kit Sczudlo!! 
John Martin 
Amanda Alessandra 
Meghan Baker 
Nick Barbour 
Stephen Brookman 
Carol Bushar 
Daniel Becker 
Daniel Bendor 
Mirella Bengero 
Rebecca Besser 
Andrew Blunk 
Bryan Boggio 
Dan Brummett 
Bradley Campbell 
Andre Carter 
Adam Casalena 
Kathryn Catlin 
Chris Cheng 
Kisa Christensen 
Eric Chiu 
Shane Cohen 
Justin Cooke 
Charles Crabtree 
Brian Cugle 
Jeremy Davis 
Marcus De Paula 
Mark Delevie 
Moise Devillier III 
Garland Dixon 
Ethan Eagle Neal Ebely 
Douglas Edwards 
Kevin Eisenhower 
Joshua Elvander 
Eric Fiterman 
Charles Fliegel 
Wendy Frank 
Florentino Garcia 
Andrew Guenther 
Vegard Hamso 
Christine Hamil 
Jean-Marc Henriette 
Adam Herber 
Ellen Herder 
Todd Herrmann 
Rocio Del Carmen Hinojosa 
Laura Meyer 
Courtney Bonneville 
Brandon Litt 
Greg Holden 
Wanda Howard 
Angie Hsieh 
Jason Hubbard 
Lee Hughes 
Jarrett Humphries 
Raquel Jarabek 
Murray Johnathan 
Larry Johnson 
Kristin Kirkt 
Brian Kujawa 
Adam Labelson 
Dorothy Lam 
Charles Lawhead 
Amy Lee 
Jen Legaz 
Ryan Leo 
Yu-lin Lin 
Michael Lochner 
Andrew Long 
David Lorr 
David Lyons 
Bruce Macomber 
Daniel Maloney 
Steve Martin 
Christopher Mason 
Jessica Mayerovitch 
Michael McAnulty 
Catharine McGhan 
Rahkiya Medley 
Megan Meehan 
Timothy Mengers 
Edna Mickles 
Will Miller 
Ty Ming 
Marc Musser 
Nils Nelson 
Eric Nichols 
Patric Nolle 
Thomas O'Shea 
Luke Pallithanam 
Matthew Para 
Matthew Pettersen 
Michael Pope 
Jordan Wexler 
Wayne Yu 
Amy Principato 
Jonathan Quigg 
Bob Radicevich 
John Radl 
Kenneth Rager 
Alan Ricks 
Sean Roark 
Fletcher Robbins 
Richard Roberson 
Eric Rodriguez 
Paul Samuel 
Aaron Sanders 
Alexander Sarau 
Cristin Sawin 
Daniel Senai 
Alexandre Scialom 
Sheryl Shamblee 
Dave Shaughnessy 
Laura Sherard 
Melody Shieh 
Eric Simon 
Joseph Simons 
Elizabeth Smith 
Rebecca Snider 
Theresa Snider 
Luke Sollit 
Gregory Stamp 
Joe Stecher 
Mindy Surratt 
Emily Tai 
Kerin Thornton 
Zakiya Tomlinson 
Joe Tonkin 
Terry Trimble 
Melissa Turner 
John Van Eepoel 
Max Vice 
Brian Whalen 
Kurt Walsh 
Andrew Weiland 
Jonathan West 
George White 
Zhen Wu 
Mike Ziegler