Hardware design of a wearable system for gesture-based teleoperation of a robotic manipulator

TitleHardware design of a wearable system for gesture-based teleoperation of a robotic manipulator
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsBuchholz, B. Teresa
Academic DepartmentAerospace Engineering
DegreeMasters of Science
Number of Pages116
Date Published06/2007
UniversityUniversity of Maryland
CityCollege Park
Thesis TypeMasters
ISBN Number978-1-109-82167-3
KeywordsAerospace materials, Applied sciences, Electrical engineering, Robots

To overcome some of the difficulties of robotic teleoperation using hand controllers, a new approach is necessary, namely gesture-based control. A review of sensors currently in use for human joint angle measurement is presented. Based on this review, a method was chosen that uses a variable-length fiber optic sensor. Several different types of optical fibers, along with a variety of test configurations, were initially evaluated, and the most promising of these were selected for further testing. This thesis describes these methods of evaluation and the final system design and testing of a wearable system for gesture-based control of a robotic manipulator, including a discussion of sensor placement to obtain improved results. The final system presented requires improvements and continued research to become usable for robotic control. However, the basic concept and design are shown to provide reliable information regarding relative human joint motion.

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