Task-based mass optimization of reconfigurable robot manipulator systems

TitleTask-based mass optimization of reconfigurable robot manipulator systems
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsKoelln, N. T.
Academic DepartmentAerospace Engineering
DegreeMasters of Science
Number of Pages132
UniversityUniversity of Maryland
CityCollege Park
Thesis TypeMasters
ISBN Number978-0-542-73193-8
KeywordsAerospace materials, Applied sciences, Robots

This work develops a method for implementing task-based mass optimization of modular, reconfigurable manipulators. Link and joint modules are selected from a library of potential parts and assembled into serial manipulator configurations. A genetic algorithm is used to search over the potential set of combinations to find mass-minimized solutions. To facilitate the automatic evaluation required by the genetic algorithm, Denavit-Hartenberg parameters are automatically generated from module combinations. Reconfigurable manipulators are shown to be lighter than fixed-topology manipulators, demonstrating the potential utility of reconfigurable robotics technology for mass reduction in space robots.

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