Exoskeleton Wrist Design Using Composite Visualization Methods

TitleExoskeleton Wrist Design Using Composite Visualization Methods
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsJames, T., and C. R. Carignan
Conference NameASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
Date Published11/17
Conference LocationPhoenix, Arizona
Other NumbersSSL16-002
Keywordsexoskeleton, haptics, robotics, visualization

The design process is examined for retrofitting a robotic arm exoskeleton with a three-axis wrist for enhanced teleoperation.  Exoskeleton wrist design is particularly challenging due to the need to incorporate three actuated joints into a compact volume, while maintaining a large range of motion.  The design process was greatly facilitated by the development of a new visualization method which enabled the designer to examine the interactions between the exoskeleton and its operator in the same virtual workspace.  This allowed the designer to evaluate the exoskeleton's range of motion and ergonomic properties, while also adding task visualization functionality.  Future applications of the exoskeleton in telepresence will also be discussed.

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