NIAC Phase I Final Report: On-Orbit, Collision-Free Mapping of Small Orbital Debris

TitleNIAC Phase I Final Report: On-Orbit, Collision-Free Mapping of Small Orbital Debris
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHartzell, C., D. Akin, A. Truitt, J. Shannon, B. Quock, N. Behnke, J. Kim, and G. Zimmerman

Sub-centimeter orbital debris is currently undetectable using ground-based radar and optical methods. However, the pits in Space Shuttle windows produced by paint chips (e.g. the 3.8mm diameter pit produced by a 0.2mm paint chip on STS-7) demonstrate that small debris can cause serious damage to spacecraft. Recent analytical, computational and experimental work has shown that charged objects moving quickly through a plasma will cause the formation of solitons in the plasma density. Due to their exposure to the solar wind plasma environment, even the smallest space debris will be charged. Depending on the debris size, charge and velocity, the plasma signature of the solitons may be detected by simple instrumentation on spacecraft. We will describe the amplitude and velocity of solitons that may be produced by mm-cm scale orbital debris in LEO. We will discuss the feasibility of mapping sub-cm orbital debris using a fleet of CubeSats equipped with Langmuir probes. The time and fleet size required to map the debris will also be described. Plasma soliton detection would be the first collision-free method of mapping the small debris population.

Citation Keyhartzell_niac_2019