Title | Preparing for Geophysical Science Enabled by Crewed and Robotic Missions on the Surface of the Moon |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Schmerr, N., J. Richardson, R. Ghent, M. Siegler, K. Young, M. Wasser, P. Whelley, D. Buczkowski, L. Carter, C. Connor, L. Connor, J. Bleacher, M. Fouch, D. Baker, T. Hurford, L. Jozwiak, S. Kruse, V. Lekic, A. Naids, R. Porter, L. Montesi, D. C. Richardson, E. Rumpf, N. Schorghofer, J. Sunshine, S. Goossens, N. Whelley, D. Wyrick, W. Zhu, E. Bell, J. DeMartini, D. Coan, D. Akin, B. Cohen, E. Mazarico, C. Neal, M. Panning, N. Petro, B. Strauss, R. Weber, T. Glotch, A. Hendrix, A. Parker, and S. Wright |
Volume | 2241 |
Pagination | 5048 |
Date Published | may |
Abstract | Geophysics on the Moon will be an important tool for identifying key targets for geological prospecting, scientific sampling, ISRU, assessing hazards and risks to crews and infrastructure, and determining the deep workings of the lunar interior. |
URL | https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020LPICo2241.5048S |
Citation Key | schmerr_preparing_2020 |