Approaches to Outfitting an Inflatable Habitat: Moon to Mars Exploration Systems and Habitat (M2M X-hab) 2022 Academic Innovation Challenge

TitleApproaches to Outfitting an Inflatable Habitat: Moon to Mars Exploration Systems and Habitat (M2M X-hab) 2022 Academic Innovation Challenge
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsAkin, D. L., B. Adarkwa, A. Cochran, C. Merrill, E. Myers, M. Reed, K. O’Keefe, M. Hoene, K. Murphy, O. Naylor, J. Saunders, N. N. Shah, L. Swaisgood, R. Allegro, A. Garcia-Arroba, A. Sandman-Long, K. Shire, M. Stasiukevicius, R. Chawla, H. Inoue, and J. McLaughlin
KeywordsLunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
Citation Keyakin_approaches_2022